EZ$AVINGS4U is an employer educational platform designed to aid California’s business owners in their effort to comply with the new CalSavers mandate.
Our approach has been specifically designed to be easier to implement
than any other available option.
EZ$AVINGS4U was assembled by three professionals in the field of employee benefit
planning with over 100 years of combined experience.
EZ$AVINGS4U is not right for every employer, but if you are not interested in working with CalSavers directly and you are also concerned about the cost and long-term liabilities that come along with sponsoring a retirement plan, then our approach might be exactly what you are looking for. We believe EZ$AVINGS4U will especially appeal to employers who have high-turnover and/or seasonal workers and significant degree of variable hour employment from week to week.
We encourage you to watch all of our educational videos on CalSavers and alternatives.
Most of them are available to anyone at any time. The remaining two videos require you to first provide us with your name and email information. If, after seeing those videos, you would like to move forward, we encourage you to fill out this employer information form
(click on PDF icon on the right to download the 2023 form to your computer).
Fill it out and and send it to us!
Remember – there are stiff penalties of up to $750 PER EMPLOYEE for any employer
found to be deliberately not in compliance with CalSavers...
For employers with >100 employees, the deadline was September 30, 2020.
For employers with 50 to 100 employees, the deadline was June 30, 2021.
For employers with 5 to 49 employees, the deadline is December 31, 2023
For employers with 1 to 4 employees, the deadline is December 31, 2025
We encourage your research and contact us as soon as you think we might be a fit to your needs.

580 Broadway St., Suite 213
Laguna Beach CA, 92651